Wednesday, May 7, 2008


I cannot take credit for the making of this recipe, but, man!, do I want to. This is pretty much the most delish dessert I have ever had. I am seriously starting a diet because this dessert is messing with my brain and I think I need it 24/7.

Thank you Tosha for making this with me. -Lisa

I hate you Tosha for making this with her. -my thighs

Tosha found this recipe blogsurfing on Stephanie's Kitchen's site and it is a goodie!

Makes a ton

Oil for frying
6 flour tortillas- cut into 8 triangles each (48 triangles total)
Your favorite Vanilla Ice Cream
Honey Butter (recipe below)
Cinnamon and sugar mixture (1/4 cup sugar + 1/2 tablespoon cinnamon)
dash of cinnamon

Heat oil in a shallow pan over medium-high heat. You can tell when the oil is hot enough by placing the end of a wooden spoon into the oil and the oil bubbles around the spoon. Place the tortillas into the oil in small batches until very lightly browned. Place on paper towels to cool, then roll around in cinnamon sugar mixture until coated. Place tortillas on serving plate. Scoop vanilla ice cream over tortillas. Pour honey butter over ice cream and tortillas. Sprinkle top with a dash of cinnamon. You can make as little or as much of this recipe as you desire, just adjust the ingredients accordingly. Enjoy!

Honey Butter
(this recipe makes a ton)

1 cup honey
1 cup butter, softened
5 tablespoons powdered sugar
1/4 tsp vanilla
dash of cinnamon
dash of nutmeg

Warm honey in the microwave or in a double broiler. Using a mixer, add softened butter and mix until all the butter is melted through and blended well. Add powdered sugar, vanilla, cinnamon and nutmeg. Mix until smooth and creamy. You can poor into a squeeze bottle for later use, or just keep in a bowl in the refrigerator.


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